Launch simulation of molecular spectrum Molecule  6 : Methane (CH4) 28 : Phosphine (PH3) 30 : Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) 38 : Ethylene (C2H4) 42 : Carbon tetrafluoride (CF4) 51 : Methyl fluoride (CH3F) 52 : Germane (GeH4) 55 : Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) 201 : Silane (SiH4) Default values of parameters: Lenv = 0.0600 cm-1·atm-1; Lself = 0.0750 cm-1·atm-1; Nt = 0.69. Data source: TheoReTS 80K full LbL TheoReTS 296K full LbL TheoRETS Hybrid lists HITRAN GEISA Simulation type: List of spectral lines Absorption coefficient Absorption Cross-section Transmittance function Absorption function Radiance function Select an isotopologue * Select a base set of lines Spectral lines selection parameters WNmin, сm-1 *: WNmax, сm-1 *: Cut-off on Intensity (Scut), cm/mol *: Environment parameters Temperature (T), K *: Pressure (P), atm *: Concentration (C) *: Env-broadened Lorentz half-width Lenv, cm-1/atm *: Self-broadened Lorentz half-width Lself, cm-1/atm *: Contour parameters Line profile: Voigt Lorentz Gauss Wing (W), #halfwidths: Calculation step (WNstep), сm-1: Device parameters App.function (AF): No influence of the device Rectangular Triangular Gaussian Lorentian Sinc (Ideal Michelson Interferometer) Sinc square (Diffraction) App.resolution (AR), cm-1: AF wing (AW), AR: Transmittance/Absorption/Radiance parameters Optical path (L), m: Fields with * are required.